If you filed a fire and casualty insurance claim as a result of the recent Southern California wild fires or any fire or water damage to your home and are being treated unfairly by your insurance company, you can fight your insurance company’s bad faith.

Viau & Kwasniewski (VK Lawyers) are insurance bad faith lawyers and experienced California fire insurance attorneys based in Los Angeles. Our insurance lawyers at Viau & Kwasniewski specialize in bad faith insurance and are experts in California insurance law. We help Californians when their fire insurance claims have been unreasonably handled by their insurance company and in insurance bad faith litigation.

California law prohibits fire insurance companies from unreasonably denying and/or delaying payment of your homeowner fire insurance policy benefits when a valid insurance claim is made; to do so is considered “bad faith“.

Your California fire insurance claim (or claim for water damage) should be handled fairly and quickly without delay. As California fire insurance attorneys, we can see to it that you are not a double victim of the California wild fires.

VK Lawyers Have Worked On and Understand Both Sides

Our bad faith insurance attorneys have worked on both sides of insurance litigation. Our knowledge of how insurance companies work is invaluable in resolving homeowner insurance disputes and fire insurance claims. If you believe you are not being treated fairly by your homeowner fire insurance company, give us a call at (213) 842-8164 or complete our online Contact Us Form.

We handle all types of homeowner insurance claims. If your homeowner insurance company is:

  • Giving you the “run-around”
  • Undervaluing or underpaying your claim
  • Under-insuring your home
  • Not responding to or delaying your claim
  • Denying all or part of your claim
  • Or not treating you fairly

Contact our Los Angeles fire insurance attorneys. We can help you get back the peace of mind you purchased when you bought your California homeowner insurance and/or fire insurance policy.

For more information contact our California fire insurance attorneys at (213) 842-8164, complete our online Contact Us Form, or email VK Lawyers at gkk@vklawyers.com to set up a Free Initial Consultation.

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