We all are required to buy automobile liability insurance. However, far too many auto insurance claims in California are either denied or underpaid by insurance companies.
As bad faith insurance attorneys who have handled cases involving denied or underpaid car insurance claims, we discuss some of the different types of auto insurance claims and your options if your claim is denied or underpaid by your insurance carrier as follows.
Types of California Auto Insurance Claims
Next to our homes, our most valuable and necessary possession is our car. Without our cars most of us cannot get to work, get groceries, take our kids to school, or do anything that requires transportation.
Property Damage & Car Insurance Claims: Along with standard auto insurance, most of us also buy property damage coverage on our vehicles. This is to protect us in the event that our car is smashed in an auto accident. We need the money from the insurance settlement in order to get our vehicles repaired or replaced, depending on the extent of the vehicle damage.
Defense Against Personal Injury and/or Property Damage Claims: When serious car accidents occur with property damage and/or injuries to another party, we need to be defended and indemnified for any personal injury and/or property damage claims made against us.
Uninsured & Underinsured Car Insurance Claims: If we are in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver we expect our uninsured/underinsured insurance coverage to protect us.
Theft & Vandalism Car Insurance Claims: If our car is stolen or vandalized we need to have it replaced or repaired. If we have comprehensive insurance coverage we expect that we will be compensated by our insurance company when we make an auto insurance claim.
If we have proper automobile insurance, we expect that we are protected if any of the above situations should occur. So when we have an accident, or we are a victim of theft or vandalism, our insurance company is supposed to give us the peace of mind that our losses will be taken care of by the insurance company.
But, all too frequently, insurance companies try to avoid their obligation to pay on valid auto insurance claims.
Bad Faith Insurance Attorneys for
Denied or Underpaid Auto Insurance Claims
If you are in California and are having a problem with your automobile insurance company on a valid auto insurance claim, you should seek professional advice from a bad faith insurance attorney.
You may need to pursue bad faith insurance litigation against your insurance company for denying or underpaying your auto insurance claim.
Auto insurance claims in California can be quite complicated, especially if the insurance claim involves uninsured motorist coverage and personal injuries.
Contact Viau & Kwasniewski
If your automobile insurance company is giving you the runaround and has denied or underpaid your valid auto insurance claim, we can help.
If you have been involved in an auto accident in California and your automobile insurance company is not protecting you or denies (or underpays) your valid auto insurance claim according to your policy provisions, contact the offices of Viau and Kwasniewski for more information.
In most cases we will work on a Contingency Fee basis, which means we are paid only if we obtain a recovery for you.
For more information about auto insurance claims denied or car insurance claims underpaid, call us at (213) 842-8164 for a free, no-risk initial consultation, or email a bad faith insurance litigation attorney, or complete our online Contact Us Form.