Welcome to Viau & Kwasniewski

We Are Here to Help You

Successful, highly experienced
Los Angeles trial, litigation, mediation and appellate lawyers.

About Us

Viau & Kwasniewski has over 74 years of combined litigation, trial, mediation, and appellate experience that we can use to help you.

Litigation Experience matters.

We can help you in the most difficult time of your life if you are involved in a catastrophic life changing personal injury, wrongful death of a loved one, and when your insurance company unreasonably handles your insurance claim.

what we do

Areas of Practice

Catastrophic Personal Injury

We handle challenging life changing and debilitating injury cases from automobile, truck, industrial, heavy equipment accidents, defective products, and toxic exposures. These cases often involve complex scientific, medical, and technical issues that must be understood by the legal team in addition to the often com[plex legal issues. Our extensive experience matters in such cases. We have successfully handled many of these serious cases.

Wrongful Death

The death of a spouse, parent, child caused by negligence, wrongful conduct, a defective product, toxic exposures is one of life’s greatest tragedies in our modern society. The loss of a loved one’s financial support is often very substantial and important, but often pales in comparison to the most important and dramatic loss of the loved one’s love, companionship, comfort, care, assistance, protection, affection, society, moral support, and guidance. We handle these tragic life changing cases from accidents, wrongful conduct, defective products, and toxic exposures. Our broad extensive experience is key to successfully handling these heart wrenching serious cases.

Insurance Disputes/Insurance Bad Faith

We successfully handle challenging insurance bad faith cases through trial and appeal when an insurance company unreasonably denies or underpays a valid insurance claim. When an insurance company refuses to honor its promises in the insurance policy contract, the effects can be devastating. One can lose their home, their livelihood, their car even one’s health. These cases can be difficult, and it takes experienced lawyers who understand insurance claims handling and insurance coverage law. We have successfully handled many of these serious cases and have taken these cases to trial, to the appellate courts and the California Supreme Court. Call us we can help.

Examinations Under Oath

In California, an insurance company can lawfully demand that you submit to an Examination Under Oath after you make an insurance claim. You have the right to be represented by an attorney during the Examination Under Oath. Examinations Under Oath are like a deposition and are serious legal proceedings. Although they are not supposed to be adversarial, they often become adversarial especially if taken by an overzealous insurance company lawyer. The insurance company lawyer will cross examine you under oath in front of a court reporter. Failure to submit to an Examination Under Oath will most likely result in denial of your claim. Protect yourself. Be represented by an experienced insurance lawyer. We can help. Call us.

Viau & Kwasniewski Testimonials

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Our Viau & Kwasniewski Attorneys

Gary Kwasniewski or Jeanette Viau – Call (213) 842-8164